First Published: June 01, 2016
Your Support teams are the real front line heroes for customer satisfaction
Customer support is all about making sure your customers are happy and getting the most out of your product with no technical barriers. Think of support teams as your front line heroes, the friendly faces of your business, always ready to lend a helping hand. They’re the ones answering the tough technical questions and fixing any issues that arise. And, with more customer interactions than any other part of your organization, support teams have the power to turn a frustrating experience into a positive one. By doing so, they not only boost customer loyalty but also help turn support from a cost center to a revenue generator.
What is the most common blocker for Support teams to be successful?
In our customer work, we regularly see common difficulties across different Support organizations. The key problem we keep seeing is that organizations simply aren’t responsive to the needs of their customers. But why? The main reason we detected is that their frontline tech support teams are not empowered to make decisions on their own. They show a lack of employee empowerment. The consequence: unresponsiveness to customer queries.
A vicious cycle of disengagement
When your support team finds itself in this unempowered state, frontline support staff are reluctant to reply to customers because they have never been trusted to make decisions on their own and provide real answers. In many cases, problems were being worked on, but the team was reluctant or not secure in their responses back to customers.
Your Support Team Members are your front line heroes
It is of utmost importance to be aware that your support team talks to your customers more than anyone else in our business. They’re engaging with customers all day every day and play a key role in successfully retaining customers. But specifically frontline teams are hesitant to make decisions, if no one had ever given them the authority to do so.
Empower your front line to make decision
Cleary, this can’t be a state that you remain in while trying to grow and scale. We believe in introducing a radically different approach. Encourage your frontline people to act like managers, while your actual managers are encouraged to act like support staff. This way, your frontline team will be expected to make decisions and judgment calls, while your managers will be expected to remove any roadblocks that prevented the frontline folks from taking charge and making the decisions they thought best.
Empowering the folks on the front line is critical to the success of any business. Your company should be powered by empowered employees. By eliminating top-down management structures, you can avoid all ideas trickling down from the executive suite. Instead, you can implement a more collaborative approach in which frontline team members are the ones who come up with great ideas based on what they hear from customers. The more engaged your people are, the more creative they get and the better you get. Flip the script. Lead with your front line. These are the people who know your customers best, these are the people who ensure you have good customer relationships—and these are the people who will determine how well your company succeeds.