Engaging Employees in a Time of Transition: Strategies for Boosting Morale and Productivity


Goodbye 2023, six weeks of 2024 are already over! But sadly not much has changed about the economic situations being characterized by insecurity and scarcity. Most companies are in a [...]

Engaging Employees in a Time of Transition: Strategies for Boosting Morale and Productivity2024-02-16T13:09:38+00:00

Case Study Orquest – Rollout New Org Structure & Establishing Post-Sales Specializations


In this case study, we highlight the successful rollout of a new organizational structure and the establishment of post-sales specializations for Orquest Software SL. ORQUEST is a SaaS-based workforce planning [...]

Case Study Orquest – Rollout New Org Structure & Establishing Post-Sales Specializations2023-10-09T14:17:55+00:00

The Crucial Link Between Employee Engagement, Customer Satisfaction and Business Success


Employee engagement and customer satisfaction may appear as separate entities, but they are more interconnected than meets the eye. Especially in today’s macro-economic environment and the related labor shortage, fostering [...]

The Crucial Link Between Employee Engagement, Customer Satisfaction and Business Success2023-08-04T17:19:22+00:00

The First Step to Increasing Customer Loyalty: Adopt a Metric the Entire Company Can Use


Amy Downs First Published: January 18, 2016 When I accepted the newly created role of Chief Customer Success & Happiness Officer at Lifesize, only one thing was clear: customers needed [...]

The First Step to Increasing Customer Loyalty: Adopt a Metric the Entire Company Can Use2023-07-14T13:30:07+00:00